June 3rd, 2020
Bicycle Usage Promotion Study Group
On this World Bicycle Day, we at the Bicycle Usage Promotion Study Group would like to make a statement to express our support for cycling in these post-pandemic days.
Cycling, while being a convenient means of transportation, also has broader societal benefits. With more people cycling and less driving, our society will be healthier and suffer less from congestion and crowded public transportation, and that will benefit all, as stated in Japan’s Bicycle Use Promotion Act (effective since 2017).
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese government recommends bike commuting in its Basic Action Policy as one of several ways for people to reduce physical contact with others, and also includes cycling in its Example of a New Lifestyle as an alternative to crowded public transportation. In agreement with these, we hereby express our support to everyone who cycles or is considering cycling.
We will be posting useful tips and suggestions on our website and Facebook page. Let’s stay safe and enjoy cycling!